Ocean Floor Being Subducted

The east pacific rise is a mid oceanic ridge a divergent tectonic plate boundary located along the floor of the pacific ocean it separates the pacific plate to the west from north to south the north american plate the rivera plate the cocos plate the nazca plate and the antarctic plate it runs south from the gulf of california in the salton sea basin in southern california to a point.
Ocean floor being subducted. Is the measurement of ocean depths and the charting of the topography of the ocean floor. The ocean basins are characterized not only by lying in deep water the ocean floor averages about 4km below sea level but also by being underlain by a thin layer of crust. These boundaries mark the collision between two of the planet s tectonic plates. High salinity values in ocean water are due to.
From the ages of the sea floor and the scale of the model which is the same in the vertical and horizontal directions one can determine that the plate in this model is being subducted at a rate of about 50 km my. Ocean floor being subducted go to earth s interior. A subduction zone is the biggest crash scene on earth. Subduction in the form of gravitational slab pull is thought to be the largest force driving plate tectonics.
Baker 2001 rain go to ocean rain go to soil rain go to ocean snow go to mountains rain go to soil snow go to mountains ice melts carrying rocks go to river ice melts carrying rocks go to river wind erosion occurs go to soil glacier or avalanche occurs go to ocean wind erosion. The caribbean plate drifted into the same area but as it was less dense although thicker than the surrounding oceanic crust it did not subduct but rather overrode the ocean floor continuing to move eastward relative to north america and south america. A profound consequence of seafloor spreading is that new crust was and still is. Continental margins occur where oceanic lithosphere is being subducted beneath the edge of a continent.
Subduction is a geological process that takes place at convergent boundaries of tectonic plates where one plate moves under another and is forced to sink due to high gravitational potential energy into the mantle. The plates are pieces of crust that slowly move across the. On average oceanic crust is only 6 to 7km thick compared to 35 to 40km for con tinental crust. An important conclusion was that along this system new ocean floor was being created which led to the concept of the great global rift this was described in the crucial paper of bruce heezen 1960 4 which would trigger a real revolution in thinking.
The pacific ocean floor subducted under this oceanic crust between the continents.